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Professional property management services across Auckland


Overall, hiring a property manager can be a smart decision for property owners who want to save time, reduce stress, and ensure that their properties are well-managed and compliant with laws and regulations.  


Here's an overview of the services we offer.  We will be surprised if you can read to the end and still think we don't offer value for money. 


So, click on this link and let's talk.

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FREE Rental Appraisal 


Get in touch for a free professional Rental Appraisal. 


Get an expert assessment of your property's value and let's start the conversation about your options and needs.  


Rent Square has access to industry data that helps us calculate the ‘sweet spot’ for rent — the highest rent the market will bear without causing an extended vacancy time.


With less experience and data, a private landlord may find it much harder to calculate market rent.


Request a Rental Appraisal today.

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Advertising of your property


We advertise and promote rental properties on multiple websites, including Trademe, Real Estate, Homes, and One Roof using quality photos and descriptions - for a fraction of the normal cost.  

As a property manager we can optimise the marketing of your property.


We have extensive experience writing compelling ad copy, knowledge and tips on what work best (from experience), and access to specialised online rental platforms for better reach.

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Property Open Homes


Taking the time to conduct property viewings can be tricky.  


Keeping an eye on everyone while answering questions from potential tenants can be stressful. 


As experienced property managers Rent Square are great at juggling these tasks ensuring we find you the best tenants. 


We do professional Open Homes of  available rental properties to potential tenants.

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Tenant vetting checks


The worst thing?  Bad tenants!


We answer all queries from the advertisements, and do tenant interviewing.  


We also do comprehensive tenant vetting checks – checking Credit Checks, Employer check, Tenancy Tribunal, Previous Landlord Checks, Passport Checks, Court Fines, and much more!  

This is opposed to other property managers doing only a couple of checks.

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Quality Communication


We know how important good and swift communication with both owners and tenants are. 


Whether you live in Auckland, overseas,  elsewhere in New Zealand, we take care of your property and keep you in the loop with good communication and information.


Be up to date on everything regarding your largest assets. 


We know the importance of a simple call to keep you in the know.

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Tenancy Agreement


Whether you’re negotiating a new lease, or a renewal, as experienced property manager Rent Square can help you to negotiate optimal rent, and ensure the lease is legal and valid, while offering tips on an optimal lease term for the current market conditions. 


We prepare quality Tenancy Agreements and arrange Bond Collection.

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That awesome feeling


Keep that smile on your face as your tenants pay on time, every time, while we take care of your property.


There is nothing like peace of mind knowing you are in good hands.

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Keep Vacancy Periods Minimal


Although vacancy periods can’t be avoided entirely when renting your property out, a skilled property manager like Rent Square can keep them to a minimum.  


We can also help you identify cosmetic renovations or repairs that will improve market appeal, and market the property effectively achieving optimum rent.

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Regular Property inspections


We do regular inspections and where appropriate, we organise repairs and maintenance.  


Our inspections are of the highest standards aimed at protecting your investment.

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Rent collection


Having rent paid on time may be crucial for you — and Rent Square is the right solution for you.


We will follow up on late rent payments and have the tough conversations necessary to protect the cash flow of your investment. Tenants will know that a late payment is not acceptable.


One of the biggest advantages of hiring a us is not having to worry about rent collection.  Rent Square will pay your rent weekly.  


We have a policy of zero tolerance to rent arrears.

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Owner invoice payments


We can do payment of invoices on behalf of owners (water, rates, insurance, maintenance etc.)

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Entry & Exit inspections


Every time a tenant moves out - and before the next one moves in a comprehensive inspection will be completed.  

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Less stress - more returns


We handle all tenant queries, concerns, maintenance requests, issues, late-night emergency calls, and issues. 


All while you relax...

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On-going Property Management


We offer full and comprehensive property management services to all our Owners and Tenants at very competitive rates. 


Where are you going to get a professional service at such a good rate? 


With Rent Square as your property manager, you're more likely to receive better tenants, better rental returns and enjoy higher occupancy levels.

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Let us take care of it for you


You won’t have to deal with evictions, chasing down rent, damages, paperwork, having to find contractors, legalities, and other tedious and time-consuming tasks.

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Saving you money 


Rent Square will help you minimise costs in the long run.  


We will do it by getting the best rental value for your property, negotiating better rates with tradespeople for repairs and maintenance, recommending a quality tenants who will pay promptly and maintain the property.

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Finding you the best tenants 


At Rent Square, we know what to look for in a great tenant.  


We also understand for first time investors, renting your property out can be a little daunting.  


Years of experience also gives us a “sixth sense” to spot high-risk applicants.  


This is a big advantage whether you’re a first-time landlord, or a seasoned investor. 

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Achieving the best rent possible 


Rent Square has access to industry data that helps us calculate the ‘sweet spot’ for rent — the highest rent the market will bear without causing an extended vacancy time.  


With less experience and data, a private landlord may find it much harder to calculate market rent.


Request a Rental Appraisal today.

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Managing day-to-day tasks 


Managing an investment property involves many tasks, including handling tenant enquiries, arranging maintenance, paying bills, conducting inspections, and keeping records.


Even the most experienced landlord can find all this overwhelming and time-consuming.


With technology, Rent Square has streamlined systems for collecting rent, contacting tradespeople, communicating with your tenant, and conducting inspections, to help ensure nothing is missed.

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Handling requests promptly 


One of a Rent Square’s main jobs is to keep happy tenants (and to deal with them when they are not).


We know happy tenants lead to lower vacancies. Tenant retention is key.


As a specialist property management company, we pride ourselves on responding to tenant or landlord enquiries effectively.


We know how important being contactable is when building a strong rapport with all our clients.

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Arranging repairs and maintenance 


All properties require repairs and maintenance at times.


Finding reputable tradespeople and negotiating competitive rates can be difficult for landlords.

Rent Square has a database of qualified, trusted, (and competitively priced!) tradespeople we can call on.


Your investment is in safe hands.

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Keeping tenant relationships professional 


Sometimes, landlords feel pressured to please and accommodate every wish their tenant has. 


Enforcing lease terms and dealing with lease breaches, and other problems can be awkward.


Rent Square brings effective communication skills, and maintain a professional, “arms-length” relationship with your tenant, making it easier to be firm with them, and guide them through the correct procedure.

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Resolving disputes 


Disputes between landlords and tenants can happen, particularly over the bond or early termination of a lease.


One of the key advantages of having a property manager is they know how to be assertive with tenants, without breaching their rights.  


Often disputes can be resolved amicably.  If not, your property manager will know how to represent you effectively at the tenancy tribunal.

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Avoiding legal dramas for you (the landlord) and your tenants 


The primary legislation governing residential tenancies is the Residential Tenancies Act (1986).


It covers a myriad of legal requirements and processes, from lodging the bond to serving valid end-of-lease notices.


Landlords could get these things wrong easily.

This again is one of the key benefits of a property manager.


They can keep you informed (Healthy Homes is a good example!).

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More services we offer


  • Bond collection & management

  • Annual rent review/appraisal

  • Fixed term tenancy renewal

  • Monthly reporting

  • End of year financial report

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Optional services we offer

Please contact us if you need any of these services:


  • Healthy Home compliance assessment

  • Smoke alarm service

  • Meth testing between tenancies

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